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Responsibility in Quality

When it comes to quality, one has to act responsibly. Quality is the word that is lately being mentioned more and more, and also the word that has the deeper potential. Quality, in some ways, is a subjective measure. However, in testing, quality is often linked to the degree to which a system, component, or process meets specified requirements and customer or user needs or expectations.

Another defining word could be excellence. That definition also not 100% accurate, because the product can be live and working and not excellent at the same time. I believe quality is connected together by the measurable standards, determination and responsibility.
Responsibility is the sign of a true quality. As a developer, software tester or a designer, when you creating a product, you automatically act responsibly, thinking of the user's needs. As a tester you act responsibly by making sure, most of the product will be quality is tested. Most of the product, because the rule of testing is that no product can basically have 100% coverage. That is not possible. By this thought you responsibly test the product against test scenarios, test rules, test code and all the requirements that are set. Responsibly you also make sure that all the checkboxes are marked and some parts of the concept are not left out

Responsibility also comes from the beginning, the testing process starts by studying the project and creating material. By being responsible, we thoroughly go across the specifications, requirements, and needs. We are ready for what should come next, so when the first version of the product comes to testing, we are not surprised.

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